Patients under dispensary observation in the inpatient centres and other structures for psychiatric care in Bulgaria (2009 – 2019)

Prevalence of psychoactive substance use
Prevalence of medication use
Prevalence of drug use
Drug Prevention
Treatment Supply
Treatment Demand
Health consequences
Harm reduction
Drug-related crimes
Drug market
Drug use and prison
Monitoring of publications
Attitudes to legal framework changes

Database (1990 – 2019).xlsx

Mental and behavioural disorders (F00-F99)158917145441141618135390135314125119120667120055114732114939112031
per 100,000 population2095.11938.01932.81859.21867.51737.21686.81690.51627.41642,01611,6
Removed from dispensary observation due to death (F00-F99)8651636173517361263
of them committed suicide (F00-F99)15161588
Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol (F10)1529113805131991211911193983694029041838083587947
per 100,000 population201.6183.9180.1166.4154.5136.6131.4127.3118.9119,4114,3
Removed from dispensary observation due to death (F10)93421193390253
Mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance use (F11-F19)7649019279961299137413791385140913781174
per 100,000 population10.112.012.713.717.919.119.319.520.019,716,9
Removed from dispensary observation due to death (F11-F19)24458
of them committed suicide (F11-F19)2
Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of opioids (F11)498686750837114011431202113711971120893
per 100,000 population6.,012,8
Removed from dispensary observation due to death (F11)257
Note: The data are as of 31.12.

Source: National Center of Public Health and Analyses.