Persons convicted for drug-related crimes over the period 2013 – 2022 by classification under the Penal Code, by sex and by place of commitment of crime

Prevalence of psychoactive substance use
Prevalence of medication use
Prevalence of drug use
Drug Prevention
Treatment Supply
Treatment Demand
Health consequences
Harm reduction
Drug-related crimes
Drug market
Drug use and prison
Monitoring of publications
Attitudes to legal framework changes

Database (1989 – 2022).xlsx

Art. 242, para. 2-3 – contraband of drugs
Art. 354а – production, possession, distribution, transportation of drugs
Art. 354b – persuasion or assistance to other people to use drugs
Art. 354c – planting or cultivation of narcotic plants

Persons convicted for drug-related crimes over the period 2013 – 2022 by classification under the Penal Code

Persons convicted (total)34113318492778728301258002397323389218892412124047
Persons convicted for drug-related crimes (total)1521142716031955202819892376234727882459
proportion (%) to the persons convicted (total)4.464.485.776.917.868.3010.1610.7211.5610.23
Classification under the Penal Code
Art. 242, para. 2-3 (contraband of drugs)30393349372633203546
Art. 242, para. 2  (narcotic substances)25362248342633183345
Art. 242, para. 3 (preqursors or equipment)531113221
Art. 354a-354c (drug-related crimes)1491138815701906199119632343232727532413
Art. 354a, para. 1, (risk narcotic substances)71323611564711
Art. 354a, para. 1, (high-risk narcotic substances)325305393437481429608587663609
Art. 354a, para. 1, (preqursors or equipment)5171020282118203236
Art. 354a, para. 2, (1) (order of organised criminal group)117146116735
Art. 354а, para. 2, (2) (by a doctor or pharmacist)11
Art. 354а, para. 2, (3) (by an educator, teacher)11311
Art. 354a, para. 2, (4) (dangerous relapse)52346648784968729893
Art. 354a, para. 2 (particularly large activities)72475137454052577043
Art. 354a, para. 3, (1) (high-risk narcotic substances)5285396038338068129169211095918
Art. 354a, para. 3, (2) (risk narcotic substances)88652109564
Art. 354а, para. 4 (violation of the rules)11
Art. 354a, para. 5 (minor cases)241230251373366416522509623548
Art. 354b, para. 1 (inclining or assisting)1
Art. 354b, para. 2, (1) (minor, juvenile persons)261
Art. 354b, para. 2, (2) (more than two children)1
Art. 354b, para. 2, (3) (by doctor, teacher)1
Art. 354b, para. 2, (4) (in public place)1
Art. 354b, para. 5 (prescription with violation of the rules)1113
Art. 354c1
Art. 354c, para. 1 (planting or growing)158137137132163103125138153152
Art. 354c, para. 2 (organising, leading or financing an organised criminal group)22
Art. 354c, para. 3 (participation in an organised criminal group)63331
Art. 354c, para. 5 (minor cases)8976848844
Art. 354а-354c12
Source: National Statistical Institute

Persons convicted (males) for drug-related crimes over the period 2013 – 2022 by classification under the Penal Code

201320142015201620172018 2019202020212022
Persons convicted (total)31374292502544625778236622195121496198842210721973
Persons convicted for drug-related crimes (total)1409133514511816188418302221216225622256
proportion (%) to the persons convicted (total)4.494.565.707.047.968.3410.3310.8711.5910.27
Classification under the Penal Code
Art. 242, para. 2-3 (contraband of drugs)26362942352432163141
Art. 242, para. 2  (narcotic substances)23331841322432142941
Art. 242, para. 3 (preqursors or equipment)33111322
Art. 354a-354c (drug-related crimes)1383129914221774184918062189214625312215
Art. 354a, para. 1, (risk narcotic substances)67302911458711
Art. 354a, para. 1, (high-risk narcotic substances)291285343405438384549520580542
Art. 354a, para. 1, (preqursors or equipment)515818272018202734
Art. 354a, para. 2, (1) (order of organised criminal group)105146105635
Art. 354а, para. 2, (2) (by a doctor or pharmacist)11
Art. 354а, para. 2, (3) (by an educator, teacher)11311
Art. 354a, para. 2, (4) (dangerous relapse)51336246764668729493
Art. 354a, para. 2 (particularly large activities)69464534423850516439
Art. 354a, para. 3, (1) (high-risk narcotic substances)4925055547737497488618501016836
Art. 354a, para. 3, (2) (risk narcotic substances)76652108563
Art. 354а, para. 4 (violation of the rules)11
Art. 354a, para. 5 (minor cases)234224244363348398498483592519
Art. 354b, para. 2, (1) (minor, juvenile persons)261
Art. 354b, para. 2, (2) (more than two children)1
Art. 354b, para. 2, (3) (by doctor, teacher)1
Art. 354b, para. 2, (4) (in public place)1
Art. 354b, para. 5 (prescription with violation of the rules)12
Art. 354c1
Art. 354c, para. 1 (planting or growing)13911911510914686113129141140
Art. 354c, para. 2 (organising, leading or financing an organised criminal group)22
Art. 354c, para. 3 (participation in an organised criminal group)53331
Art. 354c, para. 5 (minor cases)7876848834
Art. 354а-354c12
Source: National Statistical Institute

Persons convicted (females) for drug-related crimes over the period 2013 – 2022 by classification under the Penal Code

201320142015201620172018 2019202020212022
Persons convicted (total)2739259923412523213820221893200520142074
Persons convicted for drug-related crimes (total)11292152139144159155185226203
proportion (%) to the persons convicted (total)4.093.546.495.516.747.868.199.2311.229.79
Classification under the Penal Code
Art. 242, para. 2-3 (contraband of drugs)4347221445
Art. 242, para. 2  (narcotic substances)2347221444
Art. 242, para. 3 (preqursors or equipment)21
Art. 354a-354c (drug-related crimes)10889148132142157154181222198
Art. 354a, para. 1, (risk narcotic substances)42716
Art. 354a, para. 1, (high-risk narcotic substances)34205032434559678367
Art. 354a, para. 1, (preqursors or equipment)2221152
Art. 354a, para. 2, (1) (order of organised criminal group)12111
Art. 354a, para. 2, (4) (dangerous relapse)1142234
Art. 354a, para. 2 (particularly large activities)3163322664
Art. 354a, para. 3, (1) (high-risk narcotic substances)36344960576455717982
Art. 354a, para. 3, (2) (risk narcotic substances)1211
Art. 354a, para. 5 (minor cases)76710181824263129
Art. 354b, para. 5 (prescription with violation of the rules)1111
Art. 354c, para. 1 (planting or growing)1918222317171291212
Art. 354c, para. 3 (participation in an organised criminal group)1
Art. 354c, para. 5 (minor cases)111
Source: National Statistical Institute

Persons convicted for drug-related crimes over the period 2013 – 2022 by place of commitment of crime

Statistical regions and districts2013201420152016201720182019202020212022
Total 1491138815701906199119632343232727532413
Northwest region147146169221202208196264323296
North central region209191154174159184262222281207
Veliko Tarnovo79816076717578648058
Northeast region149142172204206241303283334333
Southeast region261244325391431397471447578507
Stara Zagora66817912311183121161177171
Southwest region478375435509462442518577692572
Sofia capital254191231278276207270331396328
South central region247288314407531491592534545497
Crimes committed abroad2111
Source: National Statistical Institute