About NFP

About NFP

The National Focal Point on Drugs and Drug Addictions is a unit founded in 2003 with a decision of the National Drugs Council (NDC) and with the order of the Minister of Health as a part of the implementation of the National Drugs Strategy 2003-2008.

NFP is based in the National Center of Public Health and Analyses. The unit carries out informational, analytical, science research, expert-consultative and publishing activities, and is the official partner of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) on the behalf of the Republic of Bulgaria, as well as a participant in the European information network on drugs and drug addiction (REITOX).

The main objects of NFP activity includes methodological preparation and control, collection, evaluation and classification, processing, storage, analysis and dissemination of information in the field of demand and supply of drugs in the Republic of Bulgaria, the policy and public response to the situation in that field.

NFP works on the provision of information for the activity of the National Drug Council and the formulation of a state policy towards narcotics and drug addictions. NFP realizes methodological preparation, management and control, as well as coordination in the building and operation of a national public information system on drug use related problems. NFP realizes the national coordination of studies related to the use of narcotic substances and the consequences thereof.