The 70th meeting of the Heads of National Focal Points of the European information network on drugs and drug addiction (REITOX) was held in Lisbon, Portugal, from 21 to 23 May 2024.

The main topics of the meeting:

Plenary session I: Update on key recent and future policy and institutional developments
The aim of the ongoing work around the new RTX alliance is to reinforce the relationship with
the NFPs and to strengthen the role of NFPs. The Agency will also look at how to better support Member States (MS), which creates very important opportunities for the NFPs.

Session II Market place: Projects updates from the Scientific units
This session of the marketplace focused on providing updates on projects from the Public health unit. Four key topics were presented by colleagues: the medical use of psychedelics, cannabis policy activities, national capacity and competencies around threat assessment, and updates from the working group on artificial intelligence. Processes and methods of the future EUDA health and security threat assessment system are being developed. The scope and role of the NFPs in this priority activity for the new Agency will undoubtedly be significant. It is therefore important to define together the role, input and collaboration of the NFPs in supporting the EUDA in carrying out its future threat assessments.

Session III Market place: Projects updates from the Scientific units
This session of the marketplace focused on providing updates on specific projects and activities from the Risks to public safety and security unit. Three topics were presented by colleagues: the state of progress of the network of forensic and toxicological laboratories, updates on precursors and updates on the European drug alert system.

Plenary session IV Feedbacks from the four Joint working groups

Polydrug use, architecture framework: Over the past year, the group held discussions on the concept and definition of polydrug use and its consequences. They conducted a mapping exercise to analyse polydrug use in surveys and another to examine its consequences, particularly focusing on deaths. The ongoing work is focused on concrete activities and identifying future requirements to further develop this area.

European drug alert system, Threat assessment and Risk communication: The JWG focused on the European drug alert system (EDAS), and the main objectives are to develop a shared understanding of the legislation, methodologies, and deliverables, and to assess the needs of MSs regarding existing competences and capabilities, available data sources, and priorities for developing this area.

Best practice, Awareness raising and Treatment: The JWG has held monthly meetings from July 2023 to April 2024. Discussions have focused on ongoing and future collaborations, sharing proposals from internal working groups, and exploring options for NFPs participation.

Research, Innovation and Foresight: The results of the survey mapping on the involvement of the NFPs in the area of research, innovation and foresight were analysed and discussed with the JWG. Also, the PT NFP presented the national research repository to inform internal reflection on the future work of the EMCDDA in developing the EU research platform. The latter will be developed via an external contract and the NFPs will be asked to nominate researchers and other potential users of the research platform to take part in the needs assessment part.

Session V Plenary: EUDA branding and Reitox network
The contractor delivered a presentation on the results of the EUDA NFPs branding working group, highlighting the challenges and benefits of the rebranding efforts and outlining the plans for the upcoming months. Interviews were conducted with some of the participating NFPs to gather insights. It is important to note that increased visibility raises awareness and enhances the credibility of the NFPs. Consequently, NFPs should clearly define and present themselves as the EUDA focal point for their respective country.

Plenary Session VI: Reitox Development Framework (RDF) & Reitox Alliance

Feedback from the first results of the RTX roadmap evaluation: A presentation on the Reitox development framework roadmap was provided. The initial roadmap, launched in 2018, aimed to establish a unified vision and strategy for the network’s future. In 2021, an evaluation of the implementation results was conducted, leading to a revision of certain milestones and in the development of a new roadmap until 2025. The first results from a questionnaire distributed in January were shared, indicating milestones that were not achieved, partially achieved, and fully achieved. A final evaluation report is scheduled for presentation in autumn 2024. The roadmap includes four strategic objectives: maintaining the Reitox monitoring system fit for purpose, strengthening the role of the NFPs in supporting decision-making and action at the national level, improving the overall quality of the processes and deliverables of the NFPs, and enhancing coordination and cooperation within the Reitox network.

RTX alliance: update from the JWG: The current focus of the JWG is on defining the NFPs’ tasks,
including mandatory, complementary and optional tasks. A concern was raised about the risk of bigger disparities among the NFPs due to their different capacities. The working group made some progress but all NFPs are encouraged to contribute.

Plenary session VII: Brainstorming on the implementation of the EUDA regulation: method introduction
The workshop used the Future Factory methodology to enhance forward thinking. It began with a theoretical introduction by external experts, followed by group work sessions. Each group then presented their results.

Plenary session IX: Communication

Launch of EUDA: In this session, the new logo and the new EUDA manifesto were shared. The website transition is scheduled for July 2, and social media handles have already been updated. In preparation for the launch, an online information session for NFPs will be organised. A press conference will be broadcasted on July 3. The inaugural EUDA Management Board meeting will take place on July 4-5.

European Drugs report (EDR) 2024: The launch of the new EDR is set for June 11 and the format will be online as last year. The official EDR launch will be streamed live at 10 AM Lisbon time. National launches planned in: CY, LU, PL, RO, NO, both RO and PL would like to have an EMCDDA staff presence.

Plenary session X: RTX activities planning
As per the EUDA regulation, members of the Agency’s administrative and management structure must report on any financial or other interests potentially affecting their impartiality. Therefore, Heads of NFPs will sign an annual conflict of interest declaration, accompanied by a brief form with details on their current professional activities.

Source: Final minutes, 70th meeting of Reitox Heads of National Focal Points, EUDA