Category: Partners

European Union Drugs Agency

Formally established in 2024 replacing the EMCDDAExecutive Director: Alexis Goosdeel (Belgium), since 2016Chair of the Management Board: Franz Pietsch (Austria), since 2022Address: Cais do...



The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime is a United Nations office that was established in 1997 as the Office for Drug Control...


REITOX Network

Reitox is the European information network on drugs and drug addiction created at the same time as the EMCDDA. The abbreviation ‘Reitox’ is derived from the...

National Drugs Council

Established in 2001, the National Drugs Council is a body to the Council of Ministers, which implements the national policy against drug abuse and...

Municipal Drugs Councils

Aims and purposes Under the Law on Control of Drugs and Precursors are created Municipal Drugs Councils (MDC). Functions and tasks are defined in...