At a press-conference held on 26th March 2009 in Sofia (at the Sofia Press National Press Club) data were presented from a comparative international survey on the use of cigarettes, alcohol and illicit drugs among the 15-16-year-old students in 35 European countries including Bulgaria. The National Focal Point for Drugs and Drug Addictions and the National Center for Public Health Preservation were the organizers of the conference. The representatives of different electronic, printed and internet – based media were present, as well as experts in the field of drug addictions.

Mrs. Anina Chileva- a National Coordinator of the survey from the National Center for Public Health Preservation, presented the European School Research Project on alcohol and other drugs for 2007.

The Director of the National Focal Point for Drugs and Drug Addictions Momtchil Vassilev presented some trends in the use of psychoactive substances among the students in Bulgaria over the last 8 years (on the data of ESPAD).

In the end the two presenters answered the journalists’ questions.  

Those interested may download from here  Momtchil Vassilev’s presentation and the summary of the main report of ESPAD 07.