On 06th November 2008 on the premises of the European Parliament in Brussels the Annual Report was presented on the situation of the drug problem in Europe for 2008 prepared by the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addictions (EMCDDA). At the same time the report was disseminated in most of the countries form the European Union, as well as in Norway, Turkey and Croatia.

Within the frames of this event the Bulgarian National Focal Point for Drugs and Drug Addictions organized IV Annual Expert Meeting ‘2008 for the presentation of the Annual Report of the European Council on the problems of drugs. The expert meeting was held on 06th November 2008 in the Arena Hall in “Arena di Serdica” hotel, Sofia. 

The representatives of more than 20 international, national and municipal institutions, non-government organizations, as well as journalists from the leading media took part in it.

The guests of the meeting were Mrs. Emilia Toncheva- manager of the office of WHO in Bulgaria, Dr. Ivan Kolchakov, member of the Parliamentary Commission of Healthcare at the National Assembly and Mr. Kalin Mihov – deputy director of “Organized and Capital Crime Counteraction” Directorate  at the Ministry of the Interior. Dr. Anna Varsanova, chief of the “Medical Standards and Monitoring of the Medical Service” sector at the Ministry of Health read the Minister of Health Dr. Evgenii Zhelev’s  address to the participants in the meeting.  

Mr. Loran Laniel from the Europena Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addictions (EMCDDA), presented Annual Report on the Situation of the Drug Problem in Europe ‘2008.

Mr. Momtchil Vassilev, Director of the National Focal Point for Drugs and Drug Addictions (NFP) presented basic actual data for Bulgaria in the context of their juxtaposition to the European facts and trends in the field of drugs.

You can download the complete Annual Report of the EC in Bulgarian from here.

You may read or download all the materials related to the presentation of the Annual Report from here.