Prevalence of HIV and hepatitis B/C infection among people who inject drugs in 2023 (data from SPHTDAA Laboratory, Sofia)

Prevalence of psychoactive substance use
Prevalence of medication use
Prevalence of drug use
Drug prevention
Treatment supply
Treatment demand
Health consequences
Harm reduction
Drug-related crimes
Drug market
Drug use and prison
Monitoring of publications
Attitudes to legal framework changes

Prevalence of HIV and hepatitis B/C infection among people who inject drugs (PWID) in 2023

HIV (anti-HIV)Hepatitis В (HbsAg) Hepatitis С (anti-HCV)
Total number of PWID who were tested203203204
Number of PWID with a positive test result3230175
Proportion positive (%)15.8%14.8%85.8%
Note: PWID are defined as people who have injected drugs at some point in their life.

Prevalence of HIV and hepatitis B/C infection among people who inject drugs (PWID) in 2023 (by age groups)

HIV (anti-HIV)Hepatitis В (HbsAg) Hepatitis С (anti-HCV)
Age <25
Number of PWID who were tested222
Number of PWID with a positive test result000
Proportion positive (%)0.0%0.0%0.0%
Age 25-34
Number of PWID who were tested161616
Number of PWID with a positive test result3414
Proportion positive (%)18.75%25.0%87.5%
Age > 34
Number of PWID who were tested185185186
Number of PWID with a positive test result2926161
Proportion positive (%)15.7%14.1%86.6%

Prevalence of HIV and hepatitis B/C infection among people who inject drugs (PWID) in 2023 (by years since first injection)

HIV (anti-HIV)Hepatitis В (HbsAg) Hepatitis С (anti-HCV)
<2 years since first injection
Number of PWID who were tested111
Number of PWID with a positive test result000
Proportion positive (%)0.0%0.0%0.0%
2 to 4 years since first injection
Number of PWID who were tested111
Number of PWID with a positive test result000
Proportion positive (%)0.0%0.0%0.0%
5 to 9 years since first injection
Number of PWID who were tested777
Number of PWID with a positive test result112
Proportion positive (%)14.3%14.3%28.6%
10 or more years since first injection
Number of PWID who were tested194194195
Number of PWID with a positive test result3129173
Proportion positive (%)16.0%14.9%88.7%

Prevalence of HIV and hepatitis B/C infection among people who inject drugs (PWID) in 2023 (by primary drug)

HIV (anti-HIV)Hepatitis В (HbsAg) Hepatitis С (anti-HCV)
PWID with primary drug opioids
Number of PWID who were tested189189190
Number of PWID with a positive test result3227175
Proportion positive (%)16.9%14.3%92.1%
PWID with primary drug cocaine
Number of PWID who were tested333
Number of PWID with a positive test result000
Proportion positive (%)0.0%0.0%0.0%
PWID with primary drug stimulants other than cocaine
Number of PWID who were tested777
Number of PWID with a positive test result030
Proportion positive (%)0.0%42.9%0.0%
PWID with primary drug other
Number of PWID who were tested444
Number of PWID with a positive test result000
Proportion positive (%)0.0%0.0%0.0%

Prevalence of HIV and hepatitis B/C infection among people who inject drugs (PWID) in 2023 (by contact with drug treatment in the last 12 months)

HIV (anti-HIV)Hepatitis В (HbsAg) Hepatitis С (anti-HCV)
PWID who have been in contact with drug treatment services in the last 12 months
Number of PWID who were tested176176177
Number of PWID with a positive test result3225165
Proportion positive (%)18.2%14.2%93.2%
PWID who have not been in contact with drug treatment services in the last 12 months
Number of PWID who were tested262626
Number of PWID with a positive test result0510
Proportion positive (%)0.0%19.2%38.5%
PWID with missing information on drug treatment contact
Number of PWID who were tested111
Number of PWID with a positive test result000

Prevalence of HIV and hepatitis B/C infection among people who inject drugs (PWID) in 2023 (by imprisonment)

HIV (anti-HIV)Hepatitis В (HbsAg) Hepatitis С (anti-HCV)
PWID ever in prison
Number of PWID who were tested212121
Number of PWID with a positive test result7719
Proportion positive (%)33.3%33.3%90.5%
PWID never in prison
Number of PWID who were tested182182183
Number of PWID with a positive test result2523156
Proportion positive (%)13.7%12.6%85.2%

Source: State Psychiatric Hospital for Treatment of Drug Addiction and Alcoholism (SPHTDAA), Sofia, NFP, NCPHA.

Data for 2022