Penalties imposed in proceedings regarding drug-related crimes reported by the Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Bulgaria in 2022

Prevalence of psychoactive substance use
Prevalence of medication use
Prevalence of drug use
Drug prevention
Treatment supply
Treatment demand
Health consequences
Harm reduction
Drug-related crimes
Drug market
Drug use and prison
Monitoring of publications
Attitudes to legal framework changes
Classification under the Penal CodeNumber of penaltiesImprisonments (effective sentences)Conditional sentencesProbationFineOther penalties
Total number46117821415472107260
Art. 242 (total)8429270271
Art. 242, para. 26621240201
Art. 242, para. 3301020
Art. 242, para. 41582050
Art. 354a (para)43747341314392031256
Art. 354a, para. 110082264671327626
Art. 354a, para. 218795210692
Art. 354a, para. 3173738672123507100
Art. 354a, para. 514422710531179128
Art. 354b000000
Art. 354c (total)15319748493
Art. 354c, para. 114219744423
Art. 354c, para. 51100470
Source: Supreme Cassation Prosecutor’s Office.