Persons convicted for drug-related crimes in 2022 by classification under the Penal Code, sex, age groups and place of commitment of crime

Prevalence of psychoactive substance use
Prevalence of medication use
Prevalence of drug use
Drug prevention
Treatment supply
Treatment demand
Health consequences
Harm reduction
Drug-related crimes
Drug market
Drug use and prison
Monitoring of publications
Attitudes to legal framework changes

Art. 242, para. 2-3 – contraband of drugs
Art. 354a – production, possession, distribution, transportation of drugs
Art. 354b – persuasion or assistance to other people to use drugs
Art. 354c – planting or cultivation of narcotic plants

Persons convicted for drug-related crimes in 2022 by classification under the Penal Code

TotalMalesFemalesaged 14-17aged 18-24aged 25-29aged 30-39aged 40-49aged 50-59aged >= 60
Persons convicted (total)24047219732074912515534806705431623041175
Persons convicted for drug-related crimes (total)24592256203736014568863228734
proportion (%) to the persons convicted (total)10.2310.279.798.0011.6613.1013.217.463.782.89
Classification under the Penal Code
Art. 242, para. 2-3 (contraband of drugs)4641556101483
Art. 242, para. 2  (narcotic substances)4541456101383
Art. 242, para. 3 (preqursors or equipment)111
Art. 354a-354c (drug-related crimes)24132215198735964508763087931
Art. 354a, para. 1, (high-risk narcotic substances)609542672716711218785256
Art. 354a, para. 1, (preqursors or equipment)36342471951
Art. 354a, para. 2, (1) (order of organised criminal group)55131
Art. 354a, para. 2, (4) (dangerous relapse)9393815372481
Art. 354a, para. 2 (particularly large activities)43394262111453
Art. 354a, para. 3, (1) (high-risk narcotic substances)9188368228237171355951814
Art. 354a, para. 3, (2) (narcotic substances)43122
Art. 354a, para. 5 (minor cases)5485192912158121200507
Art. 354b, para. 1 (inclining or assisting)111
Art. 354c, para. 1 (planting or growing)15214012414226331117
Art. 354c, para. 5 (minor cases)4431
Source: National Statistical Institute

Persons convicted for drug-related crimes (Art. 354a – 354c of the Penal Code) in 2022 by place of commitment of crime and by districts

Source: Crimes and persons convicted 2022, National Statistical Institute